Music and Sporting Events

Right Guard Traffic Management work in close conjunction whilst supporting our Security Services on minor & major Music and Sporting events including the managing of arterial routes surrounding concert arenas and the manning of road closures during Street Carnivals, Demonstrations, Protests, Marches, Funerals, Royal Engagements and Filming locations. 

Our Traffic Teams implement Traffic Management and access control to public transport operations if possible especially whilst operating within London and other Cities, dependant on the deployment and the nature of the event and a variety of situations we always attempt to ease the pressures on public transport. 

traffic control at a busy road in London

Diverions to minimise disruption where possible

Transport For London and other bus operators are instantly heavily impacted by City & Town Centre disruptions, Wherever possible diversion routes are agreed with the Transport Operators to minimise disruption to the operators and the general public. 

Dependant on the implementation of Hard Road Closures and then those that can flex within the agreed Traffic Management plan due to operational matters, we continuously risk assess during all operational deployments and provide dynamic safe alterations as required. 

Whilst we work extremely closely with Police Forces we remain flexible to man outer cordons and man road closures with our CSAS Teams to support large scale events. 

Contact us to discuss your requirements